Syd Norpol

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Hacktoberfest thoughts

I never gave participating Hacktoberfest much thought, first of all because reading “Hacktober” makes me think of “Oktoberfest”, one of the worst events German society is maintaining every year - but also because until now I couldn’t consider myself much of “capable” contributing to open source software projects.

This year was different, a coworker asked whether we are up to participate at Hacktoberfest, you’ll get free swag. Free swag?!? Well, I need more t-shirts anyway. Few moments later I’ve signed up somewhere with my e-mail address and read through the guidelines…

Next days I was trying to get an idea what/where I’d like to contribute, soon I’ve figured out I’d like to “Add HCL Templating to AWS Secret Engine of Vault Project”.

Sadly instead of starting this contribution, I’ve exclusively followed the (negative) “public discourse” on whether Digital Ocean should be allowed to...

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Hello World


What shall I say? Well, first of all: I’ve squatted this svbtle username some many years ago*, around that time I believe it was still unclear whether or svbtle is going to win the race and I have some bad news for everybody.

Anyhow. I was just greatly inspired by some shitty blogger that would randomly talk and fantasize about transgender people, I checked the other articles and turns out this person had been on a writing spree ever since. Which made me realize I should finally also put my hands onto a blogging platform and do brain dumps aka. finally losing my respect for writing and instead start publishing drafts.

I guess content is mostly centered around what puzzles me, so anything related to my life and struggles - in any aspect you could imagine.

Kiersten White tweeted Mar 13, 2019

Sometimes, as motivation, I reward myself before accomplishing a task. It’s...

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This huge number called infinity…

I am infinity. I post oo everyday. I care about nothing, but all.

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