New Year’s Resolutions 2022


2021 #

Well! It has been a year, or actually a year and a month already.

So much happened, though little that was part of my previous resolutions.

For example, I’ve never started studying in 2021. This is because my shared apartment came to an unexpected end. Announced in June, the main tenant decided moving out, which resulted in all of us having to leave. Very sad 🥲indeed. But this also meant I wouldn’t live close to TU Berlin 🎓 anymore.

Anyway, what happens next is I decide to leave Berlin, leave Germany and get closer to the sea. I’m right now writing this close to the northern Atlantic ocean, namely Lisbon/Portugal. I figured I already know a bit of Spain, but Portugal I don’t at all. I’ve been here since October (with breaks). I could write an entire posting just on this topic itself. Currently I’m still at an airbnb, lets see what happens next.

I don’t exactly want to focus on my previous goals, I haven’t reached nearly any of them in the way I’ve wished for. This year I’ll hope to do better.

2022 #

New country, new luck.

Thanks for joining my journey,


Now read this

Hacktoberfest thoughts

I never gave participating Hacktoberfest much thought, first of all because reading “Hacktober” makes me think of “Oktoberfest”, one of the worst events German society is maintaining every year - but also because until now I couldn’t... Continue →