Things I’d like to Build

I must admit, I’m guilty of fantasizing plenty about building a great variety of random things. As I’m constantly seeking and finding inspiration or having my mind wander around those ideas are just constantly popping out of me. I’ve spent a great amount of time thinking about all those things, doing research, often never talking with anyone about them - even though my personality is certainly determined by those ideas.

I believe many have something to do with the ridiculous imagination being able to do “better” when it comes to form or function. I often feel like there is some innovative or artistic spin to those ideas.

List of Things (In No Particular Order) #

Sleeping Pod #

Focus on aesthetics and function. Did bunch of drawings already, in particular I believe it should be

Really high up on my list I’m dreaming about to build at the moment

Green House #

This one isn’t very far. But I really want to build a green house at least once. Definitively on my mind for too long.

Factory Hall #

Somehow I feel deeply connected with the idea of having or building a factory hall. It feels like that this would unlock a lot of possibilities. Kinda dreaming of a factory hall which is also serving as a community space. I just realize that such thing exists as a makerspace in Berlin and I was so lucky to visit it once. My hope would be that the factory hall is connected with some farm land.

Tiny House #

Of course, everyone needs to build a tiny house. This could have it’s own dedicated posting I believe

Stilt (Tiny) House #

Somehow I’m fascinated with the idea building a house/living space close to an area that can be flooded at any time. I’ve researched/investigated stilt houses for a bit, but nothing fully fits all the ideas I would have in mind. I’m still unsure how practical those are and how well they would actually protect against floods, yet it’s something I’d really like to build one day.

I’ve been exploring the possibility of lifting the house on-demand when a flood is coming, but also a house that is permanently on stilts.

If it was permanent, and maybe a tiny house what I was thinking about a lot is simply what to do with the bottom-floor space. I feel like it could be it’s own Kitchen/Cooking area, but why not make a regular second floor instead? How would you build all of this in a way that it is safe of floods.

Heat Recovery System #

Somehow I’m amazed by the concept of heat recovery systems, in particular ones that are not cycling but pushing the air through an entire building. Unfortunately in a well insulated house, apparently regular ventilation should be sufficient and not too much of an energy loss anyway. My big dream would be some system that constantly adds fresh air/keeps the entire building on nice CO2 levels.

Office Pod #

I love office pods, I feel comforted inside them, it feels like being in another space. Again my main dissatisfaction are not enough noise separation and poor temperature/fresh air intakes. I’d really like to build one/few that will catch all the boxes for me. And then I’d like to have that inside my living space, instead of an office.

Pumped Storage Hydro-Power #

Ever since I was a teenager I’ve been fantasizing building a pumped storage mini hydro-power system in my parents garden.

Water Management System #

Speaking of pumped storage, I’ve also spent a great time of building a water management system on my parents property. I’ve thought about all the different ways collecting and transporting water across the property and how I’d create an artificial pond with a walk-able island.

Generally, if I had my own land I’d really like to experiment a lot with water storage/collecting systems

(Public) Swimming Pool #

I feel like there are not enough public swimming pools, I feel pools bring a lot of joy to the communities and are generally something to be fascinated about. I’ve been playing in my head with the economics of that and maybe how to combine it with different environmental friendly spins (like collecting rainwater, solar power, …)

Autonomous House on Wheels #

Somehow I’m dreaming of a house on wheels that super slowly driving across the landscape/countries in a fully autonomous, solar powered way. The technology wouldn’t need to be as amazing as self-driving cars, simply because it would be driving so slow. I’m dreaming of living in such house, sometimes going on a bike-ride / visiting a town for the day and then returning where ever the house has creeped once I’m returning.

Laundromat #

I don’t know, I feel like Laundromats are just such incredible places. They are besides hospitals and public transport, probably one of the places where people go through the most emotions. They are a place of waiting, for something good, but also an annoyance at once. Sometimes you might know people, but often you are a stranger and so does everyone else. You might have reasons to interact or maybe just reason to observe.

I’ve been trying to do the back of the napkin calculation on how much use you’d need to make a profit, also been looking at particular washing machine prices etc. I feel like running/building a Laundromat is someplace where you can both innovate but also experiment a lot.

Cinema #

Totally want to build a cinema one day, maybe a “multi-use” cinema for general events but the cinematic aspects should also be covered. All the technology, sound systems, that go into these spaces is just so amazing.

I feel like I first got onto this idea as a young teenager, in the country-side youth center we would have a DIY cinema room, one day when we’ve celebrated my friends birthday we would play there on the Playstation 2 and since then I wanted to experience playing Playstation in an actual cinema.

Ever since I’ve learned about Peter Kubelka’s (an others) vision about “The Invisible Cinema” in which viewers would have blinders that would black-out distractions/other visitors during the viewing experience I was also imagining building my own cinema. During high-school we had to do graphic design and fictional project planning for an event, I chose to do a public cinema screening event - similar to one that already existed at a time in Vienna. I find cinemas just a magical place and the architecture is always such a great mixture between intentionally unintentional or just some amazing piece. I feel like I should make an own dedicated posting just about my homage to cinemas and the many cinemas I’ve visited over the years.

</out> #

I guess that’s it for now, maybe I’ll expand this posting for a bit. This are the build ideas for bigger things, there are plenty of smaller “practical” projects that I’m going to write down another day.

Sending Lots of Love <3


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